
Let’s Make TLS and SSL Easy!

Introduction Discover what TLS SSL is and why it’s the internet’s equivalent of a secret handshake. This technology ensures that the information you send and

OpenId OAuth

Access Granted: Simplifying OpenID and OAuth

Introduction Are you confused by OpenID and OAuth? These two can seem like secret superheroes with fancy names. But there’s no need to worry –

Identify Where Business Logic Lives in Your Code

Where Does Your Business Logic Belong? In the world of app development, “business logic” is the backbone of your applicationโ€”it’s what makes it tick. But


WebClient vs RestTemplate: A Detailed Guide

Introduction In the landscape of Spring applications, RestTemplate was once the standard for handling HTTP requests. However, with the advent of Spring 5, WebClient emerged

Making Domain-Driven Design Easy to Understand

Hi there, DDD explorers! Curious about Learning Domain-Driven Design (DDD) ๐Ÿš€ with fun and easy words? Yes, you’re in the right place! ๐Ÿ™‚ Today, we’ll have fun