Category: Java

Communication in Java

Communication Strategies for Java Microservices

Introduction In the world of Java microservices, Communication strategies between services are crucial for building scalable and resilient systems. This article explores various communication methods

Calling Microservices in Java

Calling Microservices in Java: Part 1

Introduction When building applications that need to talk to other parts of the system (microservices), Java programmers have access to a variety of tools and

Effective Java Logging

Effective Java Logging

Introduction Effective Logging is an essential aspect of any Java application, providing insights into its operational state. It is especially crucial in production environments, where

Handling Exception In Java Like A Pro

Exception Handling in Java Like a Pro

Introduction Java exception handling is an absolute must if you want to develop reliable applications. Neglecting to handle exceptions properly can cause instability and ultimately

API Design

Best Practices for API Design in Java

Introduction Understanding The best practices of API Design in Java is crucial for Java developers aiming to create robust, scalable Microservices. In this article, we

OOP and Functional Programming in Java

Combining OOP and Functional Programming in Java

Introduction Java was originally designed as a purely object-oriented language. However, over time, it has incorporated functional programming concepts that complement and enhance OOP principles.

Best Practices for handling Data Access

Best Practices For Handling Database in Java

Introduction Hello Java developers, accessing the Database is crucial but what are the best practices? In this article, we will dive into the Java database